Arthri-Flex Review - Supplement Reviews, Consumer Reviews & Ratings

What Are The Downsides of Taking Arthri-Flex?

There are very few downsides for taking Arthri-Flex. 
  • One of the major concerns of taking any joint care supplement which includes glucosamine, MSM, and chondroitin is the possibility of developing kidney stones. Although, if you drink plenty of water, you're not very likely to develop kidney stones simply as a result taking glucosamine or chondroitin, this is a potential downside of taking Arthri-Flex. Arthri-Flex does not contain any stimulants or substances which are particularly dangerous for the heart and liver. However, it is possible to overdose on some of the minerals which are contained in the supplement, such as zinc, magnesium or molybdenum. 
  • It is also possible to overdose on copper, although only 500 mg of copper is offered in Arthri-Flex. It is not clear why all of these vitamins and minerals are offered in Arthri-Flex, for a supplement that does not claim the multivitamin. In fact, for adults who may be experiencing some deficiency in vitamins, the best strategy is to take a multivitamin, and not to attempt to supplement all vitamins and minerals with joint care supplements like Arthri-Flex. 

Another concern is the possibility of an allergen to "premium" chicken sternum, grapeseed extract, or white willow bark extract which are contained in the proprietary blend. Because these substances are so bizarre, there may be no way to know that you have an allergy to the substances until you take Arthri-Flex. Arthri-Flex does not seem to offer any direct warnings for allergens, although many of the substances do cause allergic reactions in some cases.

Perhaps the most serious concern for taking a supplement like Arthri-Flex is that it might not work. After all, the jury is still out on whether or not glucosamine, MSM, and hyaluronic acid actually improve connective tissue health and the functioning of joints. Of course, if they do reduce inflammation or improve the growth of cartilage, this will obviously reduce pain that is caused by arthritis, or even a strenuous workout regimen. Since the market for this kind of product is so huge, Arthri-Flex seems to be attempting to appeal to all possible vectors. Obviously, the Flexicose proprietary blend has no effect whatsoever, since it only weighs in at 40 mg and contains a tiny amount of chicken sternum and a few various plants. Compare this to the 3000 mg or 3 g of glucosamine and MSM, which take up the rest of the supplement. Frankly, this proprietary blend should just be left out, since its presence is a product of marketing and not health.

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