Joint Pain Remedies : The Best Used Measures

Natural joint pain relief offers a safer and sometimes more effective alternative to synthetic drugs. Joint pain remedies vary from herbs to massage to modern medicines with much research backing the successful findings. Understanding the risks of using the leading prescription drug frequently aids in the decision to seek natural joint pain relief. No treatment either synthetic or natural is fully effective all the time. Careful research for the right solution is important for overall health and in establishing effective joint pain remedies.

The most popular and widely used group of synthetic drug on the market today is NSAID, used to help people manage the pain. Former versions of this drug inhibited all the COX-2, which was seen as a bleak factor owing to its gastric erosive effects. New forms of this drug offer a better option only destroying the bad COX-2, but still create the same digestive problem; however it opened the door for natural medicine to be an effective alternative. Short-term pain relief is not a long term answer unless taking drugs for a lifetime is acceptable. Surgical option is used as the best joint pain remedies in very advanced cases where joints have been virtually crippled and have remained amenable to medical treatment.

Alternative treatments include herbal tea, change in diet, and identifying food allergies. Boswellin is an ancient herb, renowned as a good Joint Pain Remedies, is highly effective in providing natural joint pain relief. Holy basil is yet another time test cure dating back many thousands of years. All of these treatments are found in the health food store in capsule form. Ginger, turmeric, rosemary, or oregano used in cooking also aids in providing natural joint pain relief. Many recipes call for these ingredients and are readily available at the store or local nursery. White willow bark is another effective choice in joint pain treatments. It can be found in health food stores and dates back to Hippocrates as an effective treatment. Red grape leaves offer the same blocking of COX-2 that causes joint pain.

Eliminating carbohydrates from the diet will decrease joint size almost immediately. Taking away a trigger of inflammation can eliminate the need for drugs or surgery. Increasing the diet with foods containing high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids is one of the effective joint remedies available. Drinking green tea instead of coffee reduces the irritation to the joints due to eliminating toxins and reducing the COX-2 found in coffee. All caffeinated beverages should be avoided for optimal success. Preservatives and artificial sweeteners may also irritate the problem.

An overall healthy lifestyle will help anyone to feel better and decrease the chance of disease and disorder. Proper nutrition feeds the body the nutrients a person needs to successfully overcome most health problems. A multivitamin is a good place to start when changing a diet plan. It will start the body off with a lot of the needed nutrients, which is a form of natural joint pain relief. This might include more protein, calcium, vitamin C and D, and even simply more vegetables.

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