Joints Pain Relief: Role of Steroids

To obtain joints pain relief in severe cases, sometimes corticosteroid medications are indicated and prescribed — including cortisone, hydrocortisone and prednisone. These medications have great potential in the treatment of a variety of conditions, from rashes to lupus to asthma to connective tissue disorders. But corticosteroids come with their share of side effects. These medications have to be taken in optimum dosages and duration as advised by the doctor. You can take steps to reduce these medications side effects by working on your doctor’s instructions so that the benefits of treatment prevail over the risks.

Corticosteroids mimic the effects of hormones your body produces naturally in your adrenal glands. When prescribed in doses that exceed your body's usual levels, corticosteroids repress inflammation, which can reduce the signs and symptoms of joints pain and produce significant relief.
For joints pain relief, corticosteroids can be taken via a lot of routes. The drugs are front-line treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, various arthropathies, asthma, allergies and many other conditions. Corticosteroids can be taken by below mentioned routes:

  • Topically. Creams, ointments and roll-ons can help in attaining alleviation of pain.
  • By injection. This form is used to treat such signs and symptoms as the pain and inflammation of diseased joints.
Because oral corticosteroids are absorbed in the body, they affect your entire body and this form is the most likely to cause significant side effects. Side effects depend on the dose of medication you receive along with the nature and extent of associated co-morbidities. There can be chances of development of elevated pressure in the eyes (glaucoma), fluid retention, causing swelling in your lower legs, increased blood pressure, mood swings, weight gain, bone weakening etc. It is important to follow up with your doctor to get frequently checked for development of any side effects.

When taking oral corticosteroids longer term, you may experience development of cataracts, high blood sugar, which can trigger or worsen diabetes, increased risk of infections, loss of calcium from bones, which can lead to bone weakening, menstrual irregularities, easy bruising and slower wound healing.
Injected corticosteroids can cause side effects near the site of the injection. Side effects may include pain, infection, shrinking of soft tissue and loss of color in the skin. Doctors usually limit corticosteroid injections to no more than three or four a year.

Despite their side effects, corticosteroid drugs remain an important medical treatment to attain joints pain relief, where indicated. When you're on corticosteroid medications for a prolonged period, talk to your doctor about ways to minimize side effects. Sometimes dosages are titrated as per your body’s response. Steroids are never stopped abruptly as it disturbs the body’s physiological functions. It is imperative to follow up with your doctor regularly when taking steroids for joints pain relief.

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